Is Windows 11 Better than Windows 10?

I know you want to find out if Windows 11 is better than Windows 10 Operating System. What might have brought you to this post is your search on “is Windows 11 better than Windows 10”. Before you read through this post to the end, you will find the answer.

The default desktop look of Windows 11 Operating System after installation
Windows 11 Operating System desktop on Windows 11 Better than Windows 10

The fact is that both Windows 11 and Windows 10 Operating System are products of a unique company, Microsoft. And the company still supports these two Windows Operating Systems. That is to tell you that both Operating System versions are still useful.

But, the fact remains that an old commodity is what it is. On the other hand, a new commodity is what it is. You cannot tell me that Mercedes car version of 1990s is the same as the one manufactured in 2022. It is not possible. More features must have been added to the new version. So, this is the number 1 point that answers your question on “Is Windows 11 Better than Windows 10?”. So, something new and of good standard is better than the old one.

Why Windows 11 Better than Windows 10

I want to list some points on why Windows 11 is better than Windows 10 for you to decide. This will help you to take a bold step and upgrade your computer to Windows 11 Operating System. I have used Windows 10 and I am currently using Windows 11. So, I have tested the two and know which is better than the other.

These are the reasons Windows 11 Operating Systems is better than the previous Windows version:

  • The look
  • Improved security
  • The Snap Layout
  • Speed of loading and processing commands
  • Ability to run multiple desktops
  • Ability to install Android apps

The Look of Windows 11 Operating System

When you install the Windows 11 Operating System for the first time, the look that you will see at first is wow. You know that first beautiful appearance. That was what got my attention for the first time, and I upgraded my computer to the OS.

Microsoft and her team of designers took their time to design the wallpaper of the OS version. That blue design is stunning, and it is enough reason to agree to the words “Windows 11 better than Windows 10”.

First impression matters. We have not seen the content, but we believe that the way the container looks, the content will be great. When you see that, you will know that the desktop look is better when compared with that of Windows 10 Operating system.

The Security of Windows 11 VS Windows 10

Microsoft which is the developer of Windows OS is always interested in the security of their software. They make effort to improve in security before they release any of their software products to the market. They improved the security of Windows 11 OS and that is another thing that makes Windows OS users to upgrade from Windows 10 to 11.

Security is an important factor considered in our new modern-day software and machines. That is important to Microsoft Corporation and that made them release Windows 11 OS with more sophisticated security. Writing on the security of Windows 11 OS, you can encrypt your hard disk and this feature is lacking in Windows 10.

The Snap Layout of Windows 11-Windows 11 Better than Windows 10

Another thing you can look out for is the snap layout feature. Windows 11 has the feature called the snap layout and it allows users to view all the Windows that are opened on the computer at once. In this situation, you can work on different Windows at the same time.

It is a feature that allows users stack different Windows on different screen of their computer. You can choose to stack all the opened apps on your computer to the left, right, center, bottom or up. This feature is lacking in Windows 10 Operating System. That is another reason for you to agree with the statement “Windows 11 better than Windows 10”.

Speed of Loading and Processing Commands in Windows 11 OS

The idea of fast loading may vary by individual experience. But I am talking of my own experience as a user. I observed that Windows 11 loads faster than Windows 10 PC. As I click on commands, the speed of processing is faster when compared with Windows 10.

Other users experience may vary depending on the type of machine they are using. This is because processor is another thing to consider when it comes to computers speed. If you are using a higher machine that runs Windows 10 OS, the loading speed may be faster.

Ability to Run Multiple Desktops – Windows 11 Better than Windows 10

On Windows 10, you can only operate one desktop. On Windows 11 Operating System, you can open more than one desktop and work on them simultaneously. That is another answer to the question Is Windows 11 Better than Windows 10?. To open more than one desktop on Windows 11 computer, click on the desktop icon pinned at the taskbar by default. Drag the cursor to the New desktop and then click on it. You can continue other tasks on the newly opened desktop.

Ability to Install Android Apps

This is another thing I like about Windows 11 Operating System. You can install some Android apps on your Windows 11. That is a nice collaboration between Android and Windows OS developers.

You can launch your Microsoft Store app on your computer and then search for any Android app you want on your computer. As the app shows up after search, click on it and then on the Get button and wait for the app to be fully installed.


In this post, the question “Is Windows 11 better than Windows 10?” is answer.  In conclusion, Windows 11 Operating System is better than Windows 10 OS. So, if you are still contemplating on whether you to upgrade to the latest Windows OS, just go for it. As an added knowledge, you can read more on the comparison and differences between Windows 10 and Windows 11 from CNET website.


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