Category: Windows 11

  • How to Install Android Apps on Windows 11

      This is a new post that contains new teaching on how to install Android apps on Windows 11. If your computer is running Windows 11 Operating System, you will learn on having those Android apps you like on Windows 11. This is a new introduction, and it is a great development from Microsoft. The…

  • How to Install Apps on Windows 11

    Welcome to a new post on Windows 11 Operating system. If your computer runs Windows 11 Operating System, this information is best fit for you. In this teaching, you will learn how to install apps on Windows 11 computers. There are many people that are not tech savvy and because of that do not know…

  • Windows 11 Settings

    Windows 11 settings position is quite different from that of Windows 10. If you are new in the use of Windows 11 Operating System, you may find it a little bit tasking. In this article, I will guide you on the methods you can use to open Windows 11 settings page. These steps are just…

  • Windows 11 22h2 Release

    We are going to unveil another important information on Windows 11 Operating System in this post. In this post, you will learn some things that changed when there was Windows 11 22h2 release by Microsoft. This will make you aware of the new features that are added. With this, you can make the update on…

  • How to Uninstall Apps on Windows 11

    Welcome to my new post. You learn another new thing from this post. It is all about how to uninstall applications on your computer running Windows 11 Operating System. In this post, I will teach you in steps so that you can choose the one you prefer. Uninstalling apps is the same as deleting the…

  • Questions and Answers on Windows 11 Operating System

    So many beginners in the use of Windows 11 Operating System have asked many questions since the release of the latest Windows OS version. It is no other version but the Windows 11 Operating System. In this my new Post, I will try the much I can to answer some of these questions to the…

  • Windows 11 Quick Action Center

      There are so many good things about the new Windows 11 Operating System.  If your computer is running this Operating System, you must have seen some beautiful things it has to offer. And one of them is the ability of the user to navigate to different sections of the computer within a short time.…

  • Windows 11 Widgets

    Widgets is one of the items pinned at the taskbar of Windows 11 Operating System computer by default. A complete beginner in the use of Windows computer may not understand what the service is and what it does. Windows 11 Widgets works like the other ones available in the older Windows Operating System versions. Let…

  • Windows 11 Taskbar Explained

    Windows 11 taskbar came with new design. If you are already enjoying the new Windows 11 Operating System released by Microsoft in the year 2021, you will notice that there is something unique about it. If you want to know more about Windows 11, check out this my post on it. The taskbar is also…

  • Folders in Computer and Folder Creation Windows 11

    Today, I will be teaching on one of the basic things you are likely to be doing on that your Windows computer. It is about the folders in computer. I will also walk you through on how you can create as many folders as you want in the local storage of your Windows 11 computer.…